A bond holder receives a stream of interest, or coupons for owning the bond and gets back his principal on maturity of the bond. 债券持有人会定期收到利息以及在到期时取回相等于债券面值的金额。
A Convertible Bond is a bond that gives the holder the right to convert the bond to common share of the issuer at a fixed ratio during a stated period. 它赋予债券持有人在一定期限内以约定的价格将可转换债券转换为发行公司普通股票的权利。
Ultimately bond yields are going to be driven by expectations about growth and inflation and not the nationality of the holder of the bonds. 最终债券收益率将是推动预期经济增长和通货膨胀,而不是国籍的持有的债券。
In order to receive these streams of future cashflows, the pros-pective bond holder pays a price to the issuer of the bond. 要在将来定期收到利息,债券投资者首先得付出一笔钱给债券发行人。
An unregistered, negotiable bond on which interest and principal are payable to the holder, regardless of whom it was originally issued to. 指不需要记载持有人姓名和正式登记所有权,直接向实际持有该债券者付款的债券。
Callable bonds give the firm the option to repurchase the bond from the holder at a stipulated call price. 可转换债券赋予持有人一项权利,每张债券可以转换成约定数额的股票。
The convertible bond is a kind of financial derivative, which is finely devised and whose holder has the right of converting the bond into common stocks issued by the corporation within specified time period. 可转换债券是一种设计非常巧妙的金融衍生工具,其持有人有权利在规定时间内将债券转换成发债公司的普通股票。